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Sunday, October 12, 2008 |
Serombotan |
Serombotan is a typical Balinese dish consumed particularly by the community in the Klungkung Regency. The vegetable ingredients for this special dish can always be found in the gardens of any house in the Klungkung Regency. The local people are never bored with this food that has been passed down from generation to generation. Serombotan is not only popular among the local community but it is also a popular meal sold in various warung (small shops or food stalls) at markets, along the streets or in the restaurants around Klungkung town centre and even around Bali. serombotan is often served at wedding receptions, syukuran (an event to express gratitude to God) or on special day celebrations besides being available on menus for everyday consumption. On ceremonial occasions, this dish is usually served separately so that it is easily available. “Guests often just take the serombotan without rice or other side dishes. They will also mix the vegetables by themselves so that the spices can be according to taste”, she said. For the last ten years this kind of food has not only been available in the Klungkung region but also in Denpasar. We can find this food in Kreneng, Sanglah, Uma Anyar markets and it also usually sold at roadside food stalls such as along Ahmad Yani Street, Denpasar. Along the road of Denpasar – Sangeh there are two serombotan sellers who come from Klungkung. They usually sell serombotan from a very simple stall that can be moved from place to place, usually in the afternoon. The serombotan sellers also sell other dishes to attract consumers, like tipat (rice cake boiled in a rhombus-shaped packet of plaited young coconut leaves), rujak (a kind of fruit salad with a pungent dressing), young coconut ice, and various snacks like rempeyek (a kind of thin chip made from flour and peanuts, shrimp, or small fish) or kerupuk (chips made from flour, flavoured with fish and shrimp), and fried or boiled nuts. It is not only the Klungkung community who are fond of eating serombotan, most people around Bali are also fond of this vegetarian food. This can be proved by the fact that the small stalls selling this kind of food are never short of customers. According to Ni Wayan Nurati, the serombotan seller at Ahmad Yani Street, she is sometimes overwhelmed serving customers who always come in groups. “I start selling at 11.00am because that is the time for employees, both government and private, to take a rest”, she explained. Ni Wayan Sulastri, the sister of Ni Wayan Nurati, has another story. She added that the busiest time is from 11.30am to 13.00pm. At these peak times they usually ask their children to help. “I have to involve my children in this business because I can not hire employees yet because there isn’t much profit to be made,” they both agreed. Serombotan ingredients are all taken from the garden. They include kinds of vegetables such as long beans (kacang panjang), spinach (bayam), a leafy vegetable which grows in water (kangkung), green nut sprouts (kecambah), bitter gourd (pare), eggplant (terong), been sprouts (tauge), and peanuts (kacang tanah). While the sauce includes a small, very pungent kind of chilli (cabe), ginger (jahe), garlic (bawang putih), shrimp paste (terasi), citrus fruit (jeruk lemo), grated coconut (kelapa parut), and other spices. The cooking method is as follows. The vegetables like kacang panjang, bayam, kangkung, and pare are sliced and then boiled separately. The eggplant is also sliced but together with the been sprouts they are left uncooked. The peanuts are fried till cooked. There are two sauces used here, a liquid sauce and a dry, crispy one. The first sauce is made from chilli, garlic, and shrimp paste that is ground. This mixture is added to water and mixed, then fried till cooked. The roasted coconut is grated and mixed together with the mixture of garlic, ginger, and salt. The vegetables and the flavourings are usually served separately because the consumers will choose the ratio of vegetable and sauce according to taste. This food is served by putting the boiled vegetables together with the uncooked ones and fried peanuts on a plate with a sprinkling of grated coconut. The liquid flavouring is then added, as well as squeezed lemon. The ingredients are mixed together before being eaten. Typical Klungkung serombotan uses raw peanuts while the serombotan that is sold in Denpasar uses fried ones. (Budarsana) Labels: serombotan |
posted by Avans @ 7:12 PM   |
Babi Guling (Pig Rustle) |
Babi guling is Bali’s most fmaous dish. Ask a Balinese person  what their favourite food is and there is a good chance they’ll say “Bali guling”. Indonesia is a Muslim country, so pork isn’t celebrated as it is here in Bali. The Balinese however often keep pigs at home behind the house, feeding on food scraps, for that important time when they will be killed and eaten. The young suckling pig is used because of its tenderness, spit-roasted to perfection. Finding Bali Guling is a bit hard in tourist areas as it takes a while to prepare and is not really a dish most foreigners will ask for. As soon as you get away from the tourist scene in Kuta / Seminyak and head to Kerobokan, Mengwi, Ubud, or any other local place, the babi guling stands pop up.Ensure the inside of the suckling pig is completely cleaned out. Season inside and outside with salt. Combine all other ingredients, except turmeric water, and mix thoroughly. Fill the inside of the suckling pig with this mixture, close the belly with string or thin satay skewers. Rub the outside of the pig with turmeric water until the skin is shiny yellow. Bake on a spit over a charcoal fire or in a moderately hot oven for 2.1/2 hours.  Test if the meat is done by inserting a skewer into the thickest part. If the liquid runs clear the piglet is cooked. Baste with oil during cooking. Serve slices of pork with white rice and a hot tomato and chili sambal. If preparing a larger pig, increase the amounts of ingredients accordingly and allow extra cooking time. Alternatively place the suckling pig on a roasting rack and roast in hot oven (220°C/425°F) for approximately one hour. Rest for 10 minutes in warm place before serving. When serving, first remove the crisp skin with a strong carving knife, then loosen meat from the bones and cut into even dice or slices. Place a heaped tablespoon of stuffing on each serving plate, then top with meat and skin. Traditionally this dish is eaten with Jukut Nangka Mekuah and steamed rice. |
posted by Avans @ 6:50 PM   |
Lawar |
Lawar is one of Bali’s most famous local dishes. Made from pig’s blood and spices,  together with an assortment of other goodies, lawar can be found in every village in Bali. Balinese cuisine has many signature dishes including babi guling and bebek betutu. One of the local dishes that all Balinese love is lawar, with every family making lawar at special occassions such as ceremonies. Attending a wedding ceremony in Bali, foreigner might be asked “Bani ngajeng lawar?” (“Are you brave enough to eat lawar?”). The ingredients of lawar take from spices such as kunyit, shrimp paste, salt and ground pepper, galangal and other roots; grated coconut, green beans, boiled young jackfruit and occasionally, singkong leaves, all chopped up and blended together.The meat distinguishes the type of lawar – chicken, duck, beef, pork, turtle, or even dragonfly. Although it is considered a delicacy at ceremony time, fortunately turtle lawar is becoming less and less common. Dragonfly lawar is most unusual because it takes so much time and money because you have to use so many dragonflies to fill you up! Most lawar has raw blood mixed with it but not all Balinese like this and many prefer their lawar vegetarian.On the day of a ceremony Balinese people rise early to prepare food.  The men will take care of the sate, the women chopping away preparing vegetables. Men are also responsible for the lawar and sit in a circle, chopping, chatting, and mashing, generally socializing. There’s no rush in Balinese ceremonies and the men enjoy chatting, sipping a coffee of some arak, while making the lawar. Lawar can be spicy and very salty, so a small portion is best for your first time. The nasi bungkus (rice to go) that is sold on the street from a motorbike, in small packets for 2,000rp sometimes contains lawar. Glory Restaurant in Legian is one of the places you can get lawar, along with many other authentic Balinese dishes (Sundays is the Balinese buffet). If you go to a Balinese person’s village tasting lawar and sipping some arak will earn you some ‘bule points’. Labels: lawar |
posted by Avans @ 6:24 PM   |
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