Tumpek Uduh also known as Tumpek Wariga or Tumpek Pengatag devoted to Sanghyang Sangkara, Lord of all food - plants when blessing ceremony is given to them for good crops and products, held at every plantation and farm throughout the island.
Nothing is more comfortable and peaceful than taking a rest under a dense tree especially in a hot sun-shining day.

Some desert-caravans might be enthusiastically thankful if some dense tress grew along the way in the desert. Trees or plants are the breath of earth, and people should be grateful of their oxygen, fruits, leaves, food and their cool breeze. They are friends and food source of ours. Their life is our survival.They deserve to gain our attention, and should be right by our side in the sense of harmony. Ritually, Balinese have a special ceremony to beg any prosperity for vegetations so they can always provide their crops for mankind. A ceremony to say gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (God) for His honor in providing food source in the form of vegetation.Such ceremony will be held on October 26th.
Tumpek Wariga is a ritual ceremony dedicated to the vegetations. It’s also known as Tumpek Pengarah or Tumpek Uduh or Tumpek Bubuh. It’s called as Tumpek Pengarah since it’s a day to give instruction/suggestion for the vegetation to provide a lot of food (fruits, leaves, etc). It enables the Balinese to make any preparation to hail Galungan Day that will come in a few weeks ahead. Pengarah means instruction. It comes once in every six months or every 210 days, suggesting the Balinese to worship God Sangkara the God of Vegetation. It’s a right time to beg the God to give His grace so the vegetation can provide a lot of crops.
Tumpek Bubuh is also its name since there is bubuh included in the offerings that’s dedicated

to God Sangkara, the God of vegetation. Bubuh means porridge made from rice flour. In committing the ceremony, the bubuh is smeared on the tree bark as a symbol of fertilizers (the proper food for vegetation).In Pangider-ider Bhuana (eight direction), Balinese worship the honor of God Sangkara at the SouthWest with His sacred color is green symbolizing the fertility. God Sangkara is also worshipped as Dewan Pa-nunggun Karang, the god who protects Balinese in houses. He will turn out into Sang Hyang Kala who will disturb the owner of house if the owner ignores His existence. Such character is quite similar to the characteristic of vegetation. Any effort of people to damage or to ignore the conservation of vegetation is only a kind of suicide. On the other hand, prosperity and comfort will come around whenever the vegetation is protected and conserved.
Concerning the deep meaning hidden behind this ceremony, Tumpek Wariga contains external and internal meaning for the Balinese. Wariga is the name of seventh wuku in Balinese calendar. Besides, it’s also a term to determine the appropriate or inappropriate day to have a ceremony or activity in Hinduism.
Ida Pandita Mpu Nabe Yoga Maha Bhirudhaksa said that Tumpek Wariga is a good day to beg any patronage for the sake of vegetation or plantation. It’s really forbidden to cut the trees or gathering any crop from the vegetation.
Vegetations that usually become the objects of consecration in this ceremony are coconut trees, durian trees, rambutan, etc. The offering consists of tumpeng agung, sesayut, pengambeyan, peras penyeneng, dapetan, porridge, pangresikan, sasap, candiga,gantung-gantungan, segehan cacahan putih, segehan panca warna (offering in five kind of color) and tetabuhan.
The process of ceremony firstly begins by installing sasap and candiga on the tree trunks,

which previously covered in a white band. Beneath the trees there is a asapan(a kind of shrine) to place the offerings. "All of the offerings are placed on the asapan except segehan. It’s placed on the ground cause it’s dedicated to Bhutas (invisible creatures)," says Pandita Mpu (Holy Priest) of Griya Asitasari, Banjar Lebah Pangkung, Mengwi-Badung. As the preparation is done, the offerings then are ritually offered to the honor of God Sangkara by firstly sprinkling the holy water, continued by pangresikan (sanctification), panyeneng and sesajen. Finally, the ceremony is lasted by offering the segehan, and smearing the porridge to tree trunks while saying such as follows: "Kaki kaki, tiang mapengarah, malih 25 dina Galungan, mabuah apang nged nged nged". (Provide us a lot of crop cause Galungan is coming within 25 days).